Informality and its Effects on National Development


  • Edwin Cruz Aspajo



Informality, commerce, economic activity, employment


The objective of this article is to analyze informality from the economic activity of commerce, employment, the bureaucratic procedures for the formation of the company, in addition to the formalization of housing and the population's reluctance to formality; and its effect on the development of the country, as well as on security. The study carried out by Hernando de Soto in his book “The Other Path” is analyzed, in which he makes a real and crude diagnosis of the country's bureaucratic apparatus, followed by an analysis of the current situation and how it has evolved and eliminated some barriers that The population perceives inclusion in the productive sphere of the national economy as discrimination. Likewise, in the 80s, the spaces left by the State and the interest of “Sendero Luminoso” wanted to take advantage of this lack of inclusion of the population.

Author Biography

  • Edwin Cruz Aspajo

    Doctor en Desarrollo y Seguridad Estratégica (CAEN), Doctor en Administración, con Maestría en Desarrollo y Defensa Nacional,  (CAEN),  Maestría en Gestión de Alta Dirección, Maestría Internacional en Estudios Estratégicos y Asuntos Internacionales en la Universidad Nacional de defensa de China (Taiwán 2016-2018),  Docente del CAEN en los diferentes programas. Profesor honorario del CAEN. Se desempeñó como Director Académico del CAEN-EPG el año 2021.


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How to Cite

Informality and its Effects on National Development. (2023). Cuaderno De Trabajo, 25, 6-15.

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